Social and Emotional Learning Program Evidence
Evidence-based programming
Empowering Education has partnered with the Center for Practice Engaged Education Research (C-PEER) at the University of Colorado Denver and third-party evaluators to obtain the highest standard of program evaluation available. Our lessons draw from existing peer-reviewed evidence to inform best practices and include pre and post assessments for your school or classroom.
Our previous third-party evaluations reveal statistically significant increases in measures of Persistence, Self-Control, and Social Competence.

See What Our Members Say
“Our school started implementing Empowering Education a few years ago. This curriculum helped to rebuild a great school community. GVA-N has a diverse culture in terms of both staff and families and Empowering Education has helped to unite us and value the wellness of each individual as a whole. Students and staff started to use a common language around the school: in classrooms, bathrooms, hallways, at recess, etc..
Over the years of using the program, we have noticed a decrease in behavioral referrals in classroom and lunch/recess. We saw such a positive effect that we decided to invest in having our own SEL teacher/class.
Another important factor of our success with SEL is the support that we receive from the Empowering Education staff. Whenever we have questions, they quickly help us. We have a great relationship and they often help us think through how to support our students and community and they offer great professional development sessions. ”
“We chose Empowering Education because after utilizing CASEL's core SEL competencies to analyze and explore all the major SEL programs we still found that Empowering Education was leagues ahead of their competitors. They provide constantly updated resources, accessible materials, and great support for any school starting down the important path to greater mental health for their student and family populations.
We love Empowering Education because of the depth of their resources. The lessons are straightforward and timed accurately, but then each lesson also provides numerous extensions that provide depth and layers to each and every concept that can be explored throughout the week, throughout the year, or even in subsequent years.”
“ We chose Empowering Education because we believe in providing our students with strong social-emotional learning in addition to academics. We found the teacher lessons to be user-friendly and love how comprehensive they are. Each lesson also has an accompanying video that demonstrates how to teach the lesson, and these videos have proven to be very helpful, especially for teachers who are new to Empowering Education. The lessons also include a home-school component, which is wonderful for our families to know what their children are doing at school and to further the lessons at home. Empowering Education also offers lessons for Kindergarten through 8th grade, creating a common language throughout our school and consistency for children year to year.
We love Empowering Education because there are so many different lessons and our teachers are able to customize it for their own classrooms. Each lesson is carefully crafted and the entire curriculum fits with the values of our school. We have seen so many positive changes in our classroom communities and teachers believe their students are really benefiting from this type of social-emotional learning. "
“I love the program! I teach in a behavior program and I find that the lessons are easy to
teach and meaningful to students. I love the extra resources as well! It is very concise and I love the way things are worded.”
“At the beginning of the year my students would not engage in SEL time. They were really
resistant – now they ask for it!”
“The 3rd grade teacher is doing a fantastic job incorporating the lessons throughout the day, and kids you would not have expected it from are independently requesting / utilizing mindful minutes and making I-statements."
“It has been very positive for the students especially with all the hands on activities, the
readings, and the drawing of pictures. The students are getting really good at making
connections both at school and outside of school by using what they are learning in the SEL
"Since we have started using Empowering Education my classroom is a much more peaceful place. The students have learned the tools to solve problems on their own without staff help. The whole social emotional piece of learning in the classroom is something that has been missing, and I feel that Empowering Education has really changed that by helping increase student learning, engagement, and behaviors.”
“I ran a tremendous lesson with the girls from my class today covering the cognitive triad.
They loved it, especially the role-playing cards. When they reflected on re-framing their own negative automatic thoughts (NATs), they were honest and real about their struggling thoughts. It was a very effective and applicable lesson.”

CASEL Core Competencies
Every Empowering Education lesson supports one or more of CASEL's Five Core Competencies. CASEL-approved research informs our program development.
Effectiveness of the Empowering Education Program
We conduct program evaluations and partner with third-party and university researchers to measure the impact of our program, understand what makes for great implementation, and identify what to improve .