Mindfulness in Schools
Classroom Resources & Curriculum
Mindfulness in Schools: Resources for Teachers
Mindfulness, defined simply, means paying attention. With the publication of over 2,000 peer-reviewed scientific journal articles in just the last few years touting the benefits of mindfulness, schools are now realizing the critical role of mindfulness in teaching and learning.
Free Mindfulness Resources for Kids
Breathing Exercise for Kids
This breathing exercise using movement to ground kids in their bodies. Follow along on SoundCloud.
Setting Up a Calming Corner
Creating a claiming corner is a good practice. Kids can go to the corner when they're in need of a mindful moment.
Free Social and Emotional Learning Trial
Mindfulness and SEL
Mindfulness teaches students how to pay attention to the present moment. Our comprehensive, mindfulness-based social & emotional learning curriculum equips you and your students with all of the tools you need to reduce the impact of trauma and improve student outcomes. Enhance your teaching practices by using our step-by-step sample lessons in your classroom today.
Empowering Education offers the only fully-integrated mindfulness and SEL curriculum in the industry.
What is Mindfulness?
Resources for Teaching Mindfulness
Trauma occurs when one’s active response to threat does not work. In simple terms – the most traumatic situation is one where all of our choice is taken from us and we cannot escape.
Sadly, teachers and administrators with positive intentions regularly create these types of situations in schools when they remove student choice. While a small choice around academics or a ‘minor’ discipline proceeding may not seem like a big deal to us as adults, it is important to remember that trauma is subjective and relative and can result from real or perceived threats. We can imagine, for instance, how failing an assignment or being forced into a punitive consequence without having a chance to make reparations could feel ‘life or death’ to a student with trauma.
Being mindful of student choice is a critical best practice for trauma-informed teaching. Whenever possible, provide students with choice and ‘a way out.’ This will create a safer classroom environment and minimize explosive outbursts from students who have experienced trauma.
Free Social and Emotional Learning Trial
Mindfulness for Kids Articles
How to Explain Mindfulness to a Child
Mindful Kids helps educators understand how to explain mindfulness to a child and why it is important to introduce mindfulness in their daily life.
Student New Year’s Resolutions in the Classroom
According to recent research, a student’s ability to set and achieve goals is linked to higher grades, lower college-dropout rates and greater well-being in adulthood. Goal setting is also a large component of self-management, considered critical to a student’s academic and social success. So how do we set effective goals? As it turns out, there is a science to goal setting that reveals some pretty useful strategies for achieving goals. Follow these tips to set new year goals in your classroom.
Mindful Art Activities for Kids
Mindful Art in the Classroom I don’t know about you, but I see a strong connection between mindfulness and art. Think about all the different types...